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             The capabilities of the "colorogram" allow you to get results that seem fantastic to cardiologists and cardiac surgeons without any problems. As you know, elderly people often refuse coronary angiography out of fear of a procedure that requires intravenous catheter management and its advancement along the femoral artery into the aorta. In this connection, a number of well-known clinics have tried to carry out indirect, that is, indirect diagnostics using AI (artificial intelligence). "Tsvetogram" also allows you to get real results of coronarography not only completely bloodless, but even remotely, using a relatively inexpensive, compact stress system of the 2nd generation, which can easily be delivered to any ship, drilling platform, space station and airplane.

What is especially relevant today, given the pace of industrial development of significant northern territories with permanent residence there of a mass of specialists working with expensive, often unique equipment, the successful operation of which is guaranteed only by the health of the operator. Today, the problem of a complete examination of their cardiovascular system can easily be solved by digital cardiology equipment.

For this, a combined examination of the VEM is first performed with subsequent coronarography, receiving a corresponding coronarography for each "colorogram". Taking into account all the variants of the coronary arteries, we have:

- dominance of blood circulation-3

- doubling of arteries -2

- variants of LNA - 3

-variants of ZKA - 2

- ESA variations - finds

(With the advent of new variations, we use them as another multiplier). In the meantime, we multiply those that we have taken into account, we get 72 variants of the coronary bed. Which will require from 720 to 7200 -10 000 combined studies to obtain a complete table of all options. The figure is significant, but considering that in Moscow alone there are more than 20 medical institutions where coronary angiography is performed, and there are thousands of them throughout the Russian Federation – as in the USA, the task does not seem so difficult.

        Of course, this method is possible only because coronary angiography and bicycle test examine the coronary circulation only in different phases: coronary angiography examines it in the rest of the bicycle test and coronary angiography examine the same coronary blood flow: the coronarography shows it in static, and the "colorogram" gives its "dynamic scan". And, since in this case, in addition to gender, age, weight and height, the overall picture of the coronary bed is influenced more by anthropometry and genetics, then the search engine "color charts" gets its own table to find the option that best matches it. That is, the “tsvetogramm” search engine, in addition to gender, age, weight and height, should also take into account all known anthropometric indices, genetic indicators (genotype, nationality, ethnic group) + all those diagnoses that the subjects had for coronarography.

As a result, we received 2 mutually card files, in which the computer selects the most appropriate coronarography for each "tsyetogram" (for all 20-25 secondary signs). Which tens (hundreds) thousands of samples will correspond to only 1 coronarography. Which - when a certain density of examinations is reached - will allow you to get the results of coronary angiography absolutely bloodlessly - simply by not conducting it.

      Creation of the "INTERNET-CARDIO". The creation of a dense array of statistically reliable pairs will allow each person who has passed the VEM on the 2nd generation stress system to receive a picture of his coronarography according to his "colorogram".

In order not to load the reader with details, I will note in italics that in order to achieve maximum anatomical uniformity in the search, there are quite a lot of accounting positions. Such as age (70-80 positions from each gender), gender (2), weight (3-10), height (3-10), physique (3-5). The dynamic ones include: genetic features and findings, occupational hazards and complaints (5-10), where the first two lead to specialized computer libraries, and thousands of complaints are presented in the form of 5-20 syndromes.. The anatomical table (starting with 10 intracellular values) needs a minimum (100x10x2x3x3x3 = 54,000), although it is clear that even when 54,000 paired studies are reached, all its graphs may still not be filled. Which is because the filling of any table also occurs along the Poisson curve, since the average values also prevail in the world of people. So that the complete filling of this virtual double table will occur in the region of 90-120 000, although each stress system will always report the statistical reliability of the result obtained.

A natural question arises: how to speed up this process? Well, firstly, by cooperation with colleagues - there are about a hundred medical institutions in Moscow where coronary angiography is done and many will want to take part in this program. It doesn't even make sense for them to purchase a separate stress system for constructing a color chart - after a coronary arteriography is sent, the patient's color chart is sent to the institution.

It is clear that from the moment the "System" reports the closure of all cells of the virtual table, it turns into a high-level IT product (and the corresponding cost) that can be purchased by:

a/ regions of the Russian Federation

b/Union republics

c/ individual institutions, ministries and departments.

d/ other countries

This process can only begin, but it will no longer be possible to stop it - when a certain density of results is reached, the color chart will show all possible options for coronary arteriography and the system will become global...